श्रद्धांजलि https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org Thu, 16 May 2024 06:52:00 +0530 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management hi-in George Benard Shaw-Irish poet and critic https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=54 https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=54 Irish poet and critic
Violence killed good.  But Violence dies. The pure martyred blood Speaks to the skies. Violence slew peace. And through all ...
Martin Luther King-Leader in the American civil rights movement https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=53 https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=53 Leader in the American civil rights movement
“Mahatma Gandhi never had more than one hundred persons absolutely committed to his philosophy. But with this small group of devoted followers, he g...
Nelson Mandela-Former President of South Africa https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=52 https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=52 Former President of South Africa
“I saw non-violence on the Gandhian model not as an inviolable principle but as a tactic to be used as the situation demanded. The principle was not...
Field-Marshal Jan Smuts-Prime Minister of South Africa https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=51 https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=51 Prime Minister of South Africa
“Gandhi was one of the great men of my time and my acquaintance with him over a period of more than 30 years has only deepened my high respect for h...
Will Durant-Philosopher https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=50 https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=50 Philosopher
“Not since Buddha has India so revered any man… Not since St. Francis of Assisi has any life known to history been so marked by gentleness, disint...
Pearl S Buck-American writer https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=49 https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=49 American writer
“He was right, he knew he was right, we all knew he was right. The man who killed him knew he was right. However long the follies of the violent con...
Albert Einstein-German Physicist https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=48 https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=48 German Physicist
“Revolution without the use of violence was the method by which Gandhi brought about the liberation of India. It is my belief that the problem of br...
Lord Mountbatten-British admiral https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=47 https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=47 British admiral
“Gandhi’s purely political power was on the wane. He was a modern day saint, really, and saints cannot thrive for ever in a political atmosphere."...
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel-First Deputy Prime Minister of India https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=46 https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=46 First Deputy Prime Minister of India
“Indeed Gandhi was a pillar of strength and a source of inspiration to the nation. And in his death, we who were his closest associates have suffere...
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru-First Prime Minister of India https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=45 https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=45 First Prime Minister of India
“Friends and comrades, the light has gone out of our lives and there is darkness everywhere and I do not quite know what to tell you and how to say ...
Romain Rolland-French author https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=44 https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=44 French author
“There is an almost child-like simplicity about him. His manner is gentle and courteous even when dealing with adversaries, and he is of immaculate ...
Rabindranath Tagore-Bengali poet and Asia’s first Nobel Laureate https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=42 https://www.gandhiashramsabarmati.org/hi/the-mahatma/tributes-hi.html?view=tributedetail&tribute_id=42 Bengali poet and Asia’s first Nobel Laureate
He stopped at the thresholds of the huts of the thousands of the dispossessed, dressed like one of their own. He spoke to them in their own language; ...